Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Full Sleeve Tattoos Styles

Full Sleeve Tattoos Styles

An elaborate arm tattoo or full sleeve tattoo can speak volumes for your strength of will and commitment. The art is not just being flaunted by a number of celebs around the globe today, but also by people of ages and across cultures. In fact, sleeve tattoos styles are the most popular types of arm tattoos known yet. The reason why they are referred to as sleeve tattoos is that they are so elaborate that many pass off for extensions of the apparel sleeves. The sleeve tattoo designs can be as elaborate or simple as you want them to be.

They function as more than just arm tattoos, they are part of an art that covers a whole area of a body part. The fact that these tattoo designs can be flaunted to cover the whole arm with little or no skin showing makes them unique. There are a number of online as well as offline resources that make the tattoos styles available in your own time. These resources also offer you a virtual experience prior to indulging in the real thing. The sleeve tattoos styles and designs are very intricate. They get more and more complicated as and when you keep adding to the integrated design.

Not only are they extremely colorful, but they can also be customized to flaunt several images, designs and patterns. It is not uncommon to find members of rock bands flaunting sleeve tattoo styles. Members of both genders show off the art on their arms as well as legs. There are a number of popular sleeve tattoo ideas floating around for those interested. You could take your pick from tattoos with cherry blossoms and samurai designs to floral and animal prints.

The art thrived in Asia in the ancient times and the showcasing now gives you the unique opportunity to bring that culture back to life. Women are known to flaunt many floral designs like flowers interwoven with tendrils and leaves in bright colors. Among the floral designs in sleeve tattoo styles preferred by men and women are the hibiscus and rose. The designs differ very subtly or not at all for feminine and masculine patrons.

Now, depending on personal preference, Celtic tattoos with their unique knots are making the rounds. Displaying the intricate and highly detailed knot work displays style and charisma. There are animal tattoos interwoven with the knot work in Celtic tattoos to give you the tribal tattoo feel. It pays to access guidelines like the use of heavy black lines for the outlines and vegetable based colored ink instead, to make your tattoo styles a little different.

The tattoos can be very complicated and expensive. The extent to which the art can be kept open for future add-on differs from one tattoo artist to another. Getting yourself a good sleeve tattoo is not a difficult task even if you have to go back to the tattoo shop frequently for other subsequent sessions. You can even avail of festive discounts given by tattoo parlors to get the art done on your arm or leg in a cost effective way.

Full Sleeve Tattoo - I Am Sure That You Will Get an Idea of a Good Full Sleeve Tattoo Design!

Full Sleeve Tattoo - I Am Sure That You Will Get an Idea of a Good Full Sleeve Tattoo Design!
Lots of guys look out for a unique and a cool tattoo art and often end up with a skull or designs of sexy pinup girls or a flame. In a recent search, it was found that more and more men are interested in full sleeve tattoos of Japanese art. The reason behind the popularity of Japanese full sleeve tattoos is they have a good history of full body tattoos that gives them a good knowledge of the same kind of art. They are more advanced than any other tattoo artists of the world. These designs are very cool and men all world; love them. There is a number of full sleeve tattoo design and a few of them are listed below:

Koi Fish Tattoo:

One of the popular themes of sleeve tattoo design is the Koi fish tattoo. The blue color background of the water with the beautiful orange koi fish on it; is a beautiful design. It is a cool tattoo design with full of life in it. The koi fish represents power, strength and individuality. It shows the struggle that every person goes through in life and still striving to live better. The deep meaning of this tattoo can attract the girls. That is the reason why men love to have one of these tattoos.


This comes second to the Koi fish because are usually the common tattoo among all. A powerful dragon in black and red makes the tattoo; ideal for men. It looks like it is going to tumble down and breathe fire on someone. It symbolizes power and strength.


Samurai are popular traditional sleeve tattoos of Japan. This design displays a fierce samurai fighting in the battlefield; to get rid of the evil spirits. This tattoo represents a huge sword of katana; slaying a demon or a tattoo. This tattoo is famous among the Japanese men because it displays the nature of a strong warrior and every Japanese man want to be like one of the samurai warriors. It is always worn as a sleeve tattoo on their body.

Full sleeve tattoos are beautiful tattoos with a great meaning. I think you would have decided by now about wearing a full sleeve tattoo.

Japanese Body Suit Tattoos - What is it Like to Live in a Full Body Suit?

Japanese Body Suit Tattoos - What is it Like to Live in a Full Body Suit?
In the 1700 DC, the noble were allowed to wear fine clothing and adorn themselves, whereas the laborers were restricted from wearing those fine clothes and adorning themselves. So, the middle class choose tattoos as an alternate method of adorning themselves. This is when the idea of "body suits" came into existence. This concept of body suit was mainly derived form the samurai warriors campaign coats. These coats displayed the heroic designs such as pride and great bravery, at the back. Even a dragon or a guardian was displayed on the coats.

These Full Body tattoo were mainly designed in Japan, which covers nearly the full body. This Japanese Body tattoo Suit initially began from the back but now its extended to cover the shoulders, arms, thighs and gradually covers the entire body. With the growth of the popularity of the fictional heroes, body suit tattoos have also grown with it.

One kind of Japanese body tattoo was one; that covers the entire upper body leaving only a vertical strip exposed from chest the abdomen. This gives the illusion of a body suit or unbuttoned vest. By achieving the body suit, one gets a feeling of self satisfaction and gives them the opportunity to move on with their personal achievement.

The Japanese Body Suit tattooing, explains not only the art involved but also the political and the social forces that is involved in the Japanese culture. This art is the top pick of the college level arts that best holds the culture and history of Japanese art. There are many Tattoo events and tattoo shops in big cities which make body tattooing a popular among the people of Japan.

These Tattoo design can be completed in one sitting, similar to the traditional tattoo designs of America or tribal tattoo designs. Tattoo specialists, still do traditional irezumi, which means the insertion of ink that leaves a permanent tattoo or mark on the skin. Japanese body suit is very expensive and time consuming. Japanese government wanted to project the image of modern Japan to the west thus outlawed tattoos which impressed the foreigners to seek the skilled tattoo artists.

Half and Full Sleeve Tattoo Designs

Half and Full Sleeve Tattoo Designs
Okay, so you've been collecting several pieces of body art through the years and now you've reached a stage where you feel that you want all of the work brought together. This is an accurate description of how the majority of half and full sleeve tattoo designs come into being.

Over the years and as you get used to living with your ink, you will add more body art and reach a point where you feel that the art looks a bit of a mish mash. This is where you may need a central theme to tie all of the work together. This can be done through simply adding shading in between the existing pieces, or for a really perfect effect, why not add some Japanese style artwork?

The japanese style relies on plenty of bold panelling and swirls and these can all be broken up through a plethora of background features: such as waves, flowers and even stars. If there are any existing pieces that you are not entirely happy with - fear not, as you can always incorporate the Japanese style to cover these tattoos up.

If there is sufficient space, in between your pieces of body art, another great idea to sleeve your arm is through tribal tattoo work. These simple and effective black line patterns can be moulded in absolutely any way you choose and they may well bring a perfect uniformity to the work that you have already had done. The same could be said of Celtic tattooing and sometimes, this can look even more awesome than tribal work. If you are in two minds over this decision, make good use of these two categories for designs on this site and discuss your suggestions with a competent tattoo artist.

Nowadays though, an increasing number of individuals are getting full sleeves done from the word go. It has definitely become completely acceptable to sport full designs down the entire length of your arm. At this stage, the world really would be your oyster.

The current trend is toward black and grey work, as a full sleeve, and you will see a number of famous people proudly adorned with this type of work. This work does look great, there's no denying that fact, but think hard about a total lack of color on both arms - maybe you might prefer to have one sleeve done in this style but the other with plenty more color and definition.

The Grandest Piece of Art is the Full Back Tattoo

The Grandest Piece of Art is the Full Back Tattoo

I think that the king of tattoos is the full back tattoo. There, I said it, full back tattoos are probably one of the most definite and complete way exhibit your body art. But after you have a few smaller tattoos done on the other parts of your body first.

Some folks go the full Monty so to speak and actually go with the full back tattoo for their very first tattoo. It is a very bold choice but not for everyone! However, I must caution, a tattoo that covers the entire back from neck and shoulders all the way down to the waist can be very attractive. But you should do your homework!

And by homework, I mean you need to choose wisely the pattern and design of your tattoo as well as choosing the artist to draw the tattoo on your back. Cut corners and you are going to be very sorry for the rest of your life because a full back tattoo isn't going to be easy or cheap to take off if you regret it.

So obviously, for a full back tattoo that isn't going to be as easy to hide or ignore as a smaller tattoo can be, it is very important that you are aware of these steps before getting one. And that is, make the time to carefully plan it out. Don't feel rushed because it may curtail your creativity. And definitely talk it over, several times if needed with your tattoo artist to make sure everything is within your specifications and the quality of the work isn't going to be substandard.

Case in point, recently a Belgian teenager girl fell asleep after asking for 3 star tattoos to be done on her face. She ended up with 56 tattoos! She blamed a language mix up and she now reportedly faces a huge bill to remove those tattoos. Now I don't know if this whole story is true because quite frankly, it does stretch incredulity. How can someone fall asleep when having tattoos put on her face? But hey, it is a story and it has a lesson attached to it. Be careful because you may end up with something you don't want!

So back to the full back tattoo. It is a large job and may take several hours depending on the coloring involved and the patterns. Usually the tattoo artist wants to trace out an outlined of the tattoo and perhaps start off with some shading and colors. And then ask you to come back after number of days to let your skin heal a bit. And then continue to work on your tattoo. Just filling in and shading some more until the complete tattoo canvas is revealed.

So let's sum everything up for anyone that is interested in getting their whole back tattooed. You should consider these things BEFORE going for it:

Understand that tattoos are usually expensive. And you shouldn't cut corners by getting a cheap tattoo artist that doesn't do a good job. Small tattoos can be expensive so the larger full back tattoos are going to be very expensive because they are bigger and more complex requiring more time to do the job right.

So feel that you need to have the most expensive tattoo artist either. Find one that is pretty good and you may be pleasantly surprised that he or she will charge a reasonable price.

Everyone has different levels of pain tolerance. So be sure you are up for hours and hours of tattoo work on your back. Backs are pretty sensitive areas. So for some of you, you may want to reconsider it if you cannot take a lot of pain and discomfort.

There are a lot of ways to design your tattoo. It can be a flash, a drawing, or one large image. So take your time to discover the tattoo design that you would love to have on your back. Because like I said before, the large back tattoos are usually forever because it can be too painful and expensive to remove it if you don't like it later on.

This is a pretty important piece of advice. Make sure you are comfortable with your tattoo artist. They are going to be spending a lot of time with you and you are going to have to really trust them to do a good job for you as well use clean instruments too.

And just because you are done getting the full back tattoo doesn't necessarily mean the pain and discomfort stops there. There is a period of time for the healing. Especially if you have to make several appointments.

The Best Girl Full Body Tattoo - Beautiful Tattoo Design That Covers Your Whole Body

The Best Girl Full Body Tattoo - Beautiful Tattoo Design That Covers Your Whole Body

Many girls are passionate about getting art inked on their body and there is a wide range of different designs available to a girl. Tattoos for girls represent fashion, style, and girls get them to look and feel beautiful, sexy, and feminine.

Believe it or not, but tattoos for women was not excepted about 40 years ago. However, tattoos for women is widely excepted these days. There are so many tattoo designs in a wide variety of styles, colors and characters available for girls that it can be a challenge finding your best one.

Most girls are attracted to full body tattoos, particularly on the back. Girl full body tattoos are popular among those girls that want to draw attention with their art. As tattoos become more popular women are getting much larger ones than before.

Some of the most popular tattoos girls use to cover their body include designs such as the tribal, dragonfly, dolphin, Celtic, zodiac, and butterfly. Out of all these designs the best girl full body tattoo design has to be flower pattern tattoos which is used by many women to cover up their whole back, leg, side, and other areas. Some of the most attractive flower tattoo designs include roses, daisies, lilies, sunflower, and cherry blossoms.

Getting a full body tattoo is one of the most important decisions you can make because these tattoos are permanent. These tattoos are a statement of who you are to the world and tells how you want to be perceived by everyone.